Sunday, August 16, 2009


I bought Luna some Milk Bones last week because I heard they would be good for tartar buildup and were generally a decent treat. She loved it. Her stomach did not.

I was dumb enough to give it to her at about 8pm when we got home from Pet Smart. I gave her one whole one, broke it into pieces and she loved it. I was pleased.

We went to bed about 10pm. At about 2 am, I awoke to hear her fussing in her kennel. She likes to re-arrange her towel in there to suit her so I thought this was what she was doing and went back to sleep. At 3 am, I awoke again to hear her fussing yet again. She didn't whine or make a sound, so I thought she was just being weirdly nocturnal.

When I woke up the next morning, we went through the usual routine. I opened her kennel door and she burst out with her tail wagging, happy to stretch and to see me. I put on her harness and her leash and took her out for her morning washroom break. She was unusually hyper - pulling on the leash like a Husky. I don't like her going down the stairs (I think it might be hard on her knees and I do not want to deal with a luxating patella at this point in my ownership of her), so we waited for the elevator. It didn't take long but she had already squatted and started doing her business all over the carpet. It was strangly the color of the Milk Bone I had given her the night before. I yelled "No!!!" and dragged her back to my apartment, hoping she could at least finish her business on the tile. She finished on the carpet in front of my apartment instead. I locked her in the bathroom and went to go clean up the mess. I then took her outside for her No. 1.

Once all was said and done, I wondered how she was able to hold it the whole night. I went to her kennel and pulled out the towel, but not before I got a handful of wet poo in my hand. It wasn't runny like the stuff that ended upon the floor, but it wasn't solid either.

I felt so bad. I couldn't scold her, not really, because I was dumb enough to give her an unfamiliar treat just before bed. Poor thing was fussing at 2 am but so she could re-arrange the towel so she wasn't sleeping in her own poo.

Needless to say, since then I've been reluctant to give her any treats unless I have the entire day to stay with her. Today is that day.

Monica gave me a froze beef bone to give to her - she figures because it's all natural, it won't upset her stomach. It's pretty big, though, so it's still in the freezer. I'll give it to her next time.

Sandi gave me some Dentibones to try out. She's currently trying to figure out how to eat it, but she knows she wants to. She's been carrying it around, hiding behind plants to try to figure out how to eat it. I think she's doing well, as I only see a quarter of it left.

Maybe I'll try out the Milk Bones in small quantities. Eventually.

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