Monday, July 20, 2009


It's been three weeks since Luna and I started living together. I think we've made a lot of progress in three weeks.

My dad has started coming in mid-day and taking her out for a washroom break, as well as keeping her company. I don't know that she's warmed up to him just yet, but it makes me feel 100% better that someone I know is spending time with her so she's not entirely alone throughout the day. Plus, it helps that I don't have to rush home to take her out myself.

I took her to her first stranger-filled event on Saturday - a barbecue out in Chilliwack. She had a ball. She let people pet her. She even let a woman neither of us knew, hold her. It was nice. She loved the open air - she smelled it when we got off the highway. It's the only time she took interest in the entire, hour-long ride. She got to run around on grass (my friend has her own dog so Luna used the dog pen). She was good.

Last week, and even now, I feel like if I could do it all again, I wouldn't. It's not a lot of physical work - I don't mind waking up at 5 a.m. to take her out for her first washroom break of the day. it's just the thought that there is some other living thing depending on me to be responsible. It kind of sucks. As much as I love her and wouldn't trade her for any other dog (I'd add a dog, though!), if I could do it again, knowing what I know now, I probably wouldn't. Not until there was someone else that could be responsible for her too.

Selfish, eh?

In any event, she's a complete weirdo and she lives up to her Luna-tic namesake. I've stopped using the baby gate to gate her off in the bathroom during the day because the little monkey has learned how to scale the wall. I actually watched her climb over the gate. She can jump pretty high, and once she realized she could use those large airholes for leverage, there was no way she was staying in. I figure as long as she doesn't make a mess on the couch or get into anything around the apartment, I don't mind if she has the run of most of the floor. I close the den, bedroom and bathroom doors (because, as I discovered a couple of weeks ago, she likes the bathroom garbage at a certain time of the month - my little vampire), and she has the run of everything else. I keep her kennel in the kitchen, along with the water and food (and litter, not that she uses it), and I hope that keeps her in on the tile for the most part.

She goes absolutely ape-shit when I come home and I have to admit, it's a pretty good feeling. No human will ever be as excited to see me as she is when I get home. Hell, even when I take out the garbage and I'm only gone for 5 minutes, she's ecstatic when I come back. She's a funny little thing.

Someone asked me today if she sheds. I had to laugh because I think I pull more of my hair off of her than the other way around. Poor thing even finds my hair in her water dish and there was one day when she was munching away at her kibble and she looked up at me and there was one long, black hair hanging off the hair on her face.

I can't believe I've only had her for three weeks. It feels like we've been together forever. In a good and bad way :)

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