Monday, September 7, 2009

Warming Trend

I took Luna to Sandi's today to introduce her to three new dogs and to scope how she would do should I leave her there for any overnight stays. She did so well!

She held her own with Sandi's friendly-comes-across-as-aggressive Chihuahua, Chips, and made nice with her other Chi, Vicki. She was okay with Pluto, Sandi's 100 lbs husky/wolf cross but in time, I think she'll enjoy playing with him the most. Although, she did manage to charm Chips out of his half of the dentibone treat, which I thought was amusing.

I think she was stress-shedding, though, and she didn't want to poop in their yard or even on the short walk I took her on (as it had almost been 11 hours since she last went, even after a meal and a treat). It might be because I took her too, though, and she has a thing about only going somewhere on our block at home with me. She's a strange dog.

She behaved very well in the car as well - didn't try to climb into my lap. She lay down on the passenger's seat and enjoyed the ride. All in all, a great trip. She charmed everyone. Well, maybe not Sandi's husband, but he's not a dog-person anyway!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

two months

it's been eight weeks. i love Luna more and more everyday. but i would still be able to live without her should it come to that.

it's not that i haven't grown attached to her. i have. but in a very superficial way. she's so cute and i love looking at her because she's so cute. she's fun to have around when i'm just sitting around doing nothing, or wanting to get out for some exercise but need an excuse. but really, i still don't feel like one of those people that NEEDS her dog.

i was taking her for a walk at the Quay the other day. we were leaving my mom's place and heading towards my dad's. Luna decided she need to sniff the grass on the corner. as i stood there and let her sniff her little heart out, this guy jogs by me. he's wearing his sunglasses, so i feel okay to check him out as he runs by. i think, although i can't tell because of the sunglasses, that he's checking me out too.

fast forward 30 minutes later - Luna and i have walked to the end of the Quay and are on our way back. she pulls me towards the boardwalk because she likes to sniff the wood on the benches. as i'm standing there, waiting for her to sniff every sliver of wood on one of the planks, who walks by 20 feet away on the sidewalk? the jogging guy with his dog. as he walks by, and i check him out, he smiles. i smile, and try to tug Luna away from the bench so we can catch up with jogging guy. she won't budge.

i realize that i have the capacity to grab the 4lb monster and run after jogging guy - but i thought that might be too obvious.

stupid dog. :)